Shaan Hurley has his Between the Lines blog which has been very popular for a long time. Recently he provided tag images that readers can include on their sites to direct other people to Shaan's site. Well not to be left out, I decided to do the same. I guess you could say I must have blog envy.
Thank you for reading my blog. To refer others to the blog, please copy the HTML from the table below and then paste it into your own web page or blog.
<a href=""> <img src="" alt="Read Beyond the Paper!" title="Read Beyond the Paper!" border=0></a> |
As a Project Manager (who is also DWF Technical Evangelist), I recognize the value of spreading the word. I would appreciate it if readers would use this tag to direct people to Beyond the Paper. It will be fun to see which referring sites are the most popular. After all, if a tree falls in the woods, and no one hears it, does it make a sound?