To minimize DWF file sizes, Autodesk Inventor relies on fonts being present on the DWF recipient's system. Many Autodesk DWF Viewer users in the mechanical industry also have Autodesk Inventor View. For those that do not, font substitutions are potentially possible for fonts:
- Bank Gothic Light
- Bank Gothic Medium
- City Blueprint
- Commercial Pi BT
- Commercial Script BT
- Complex
- CountryBlueprint
- Dutch 801 Roman BT
- Dutch 801 Bold BT
- Dutch 801 Bold Italic BT
- Dutch 801 Extra Bold BT
- Dutch 801 Italic BT
- EuroRoman
- EuroRoman Oblique
- GothicE
- GothicG
- GothicI
- GreekC
- GreekS
- Italic
- ItalicC
- ItalicT
- Monospace 821 BT
- Monospace 821 Bold BT
- Monospace 821 Bold Italic BT
- Monospace 821 Italic BT
- Monotxt
- Proxy 1
- Proxy 2
- Proxy 3
- Proxy 4
- Proxy 5
- Proxy 6
- Proxy 7
- Proxy 8
- Proxy 9
- PanRoman
- Romantic Bold
- Romantic Italic
- RomanC
- RomanD
- RomanS
- RomanT
- Romantic
- SanSerif
- SanSerif Bold
- SanSerif Bold Oblique
- SanSerif Oblique
- ScriptC
- ScriptS
- Simplex
- Stylus BT
- SuperFrench
- Swiss 721 BT
- Swiss 721 Bold BT
- Swiss 721 Bold Italic BT
- Swiss 721 Bold Outline BT
- Swiss 721 Condensed BT
- Swiss 721 Bold Condensed BT
- Swiss 721 Bold Condensed Italic BT
- Swiss 721 Bold Condensed Outline BT
- Swiss 721 Condensed Italic BT
- Swiss 721 Black Condensed BT
- Swiss 721 Black Condensed Italic BT
- Swiss 721 Light Condensed BT
- Swiss 721 Condensed Light Italic BT
- Swiss 721 Extended BT
- Swiss 721 Bold Extended BT
- Swiss 721 Black Extended BT
- Swiss 721 Light Extended BT
- Swiss 721 Italic BT
- Swiss 721 Black BT
- Swiss 721 Black Italic BT
- Swiss 721 Black Outline BT
- Swiss 721 Light BT
- Swiss 721 Light Italic BT
- Syastro
- Symap
- Symath
- Symeteo
- Symusic
- TechnicBold
- TechnicLite
- Technic
- Txt
- Universal Math 1 BT
- Vineta BT
These fonts are installed by Autodesk Inventor and may not be present on a system that only has the Autodesk DWF Viewer or Autodesk Design Review. The DWF viewers will use font substitution in the event that these fonts are referenced by a DWF file but do not reside on the system.