I am not a graphics programmer [but I play one on TV :-) My apologies go out to international readers who have not seen this aspirin commercial on American television.]. Even if you are not a graphics programmer, what do you think this program does?
HC_Open_Segment ("?picture");
HC_Set_Color ("lines = red");
HC_Insert_Line (0.0. 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
HC_Close_Segment ();
HC_Update_Display ();
The code above is actual C++ code that will work with the HOOPS 3D graphics system. The program sets the line color to red, inserts a line from (0,0,0) to (1,1,1), and updates the display. The red line appears on the screen. This same exact source code works across a variety of platforms such as Windows, Linux, and Macintosh OSX. How easy was that?
The reason I bring up HOOPS is that release 14.0 of the HOOPS Application Framework supports the ability to save 3D or 2D data as a DWF file. HOOPS makes DWF generation very easy.
HC_Open_Segment ("/driver/whip2d/myFile.dwf"");
HC_Set_Color ("lines = red");
HC_Insert_Line (0.0. 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
HC_Close_Segment ();
HC_Update_Display ();
By specifying the segment as the DWF driver instead of the display, a DWF file is generated. Again, how easy was that? This application framework is used by many organizations in the CAD industry. So you can expect DWF files to be generated from HOOPS-based products in the future.
The HOOPS Application Framework supports the reading and writing of both 3D and 2D DWF files. Programmers can check out HOOPS at:
By being able to originate from and then interoperate with a variety of applications, DWF goes beyond the paper.