One of our FAQs is "How can I obtain the latest printer driver for my Xerox device?" The latest drivers from Xerox have improvements for printing DWF files. To obtain the latest driver:
- Using your browser, navigate to
- Click on "Support & Drivers" to take you to
- Select your product type, e.g. "Wide Format."
- Select your product family, e.g. "700 Series" for the Xerox 721 Print System; or "6000 Series" for the Xerox 6030 Wide Format Solution or Xerox 6050 Wide Format Solution.
- Locate your model, e.g. Xerox 721P Print System, and select "Drivers and downloads."
- Based on your operating system, e.g. Windows XP, select the Print driver based on your needs: PostScript or HPGL/2. Although there are HDI drivers available, these are specific to AutoCAD and are not related to printing DWF files from the Autodesk DWF Viewer or Autodesk Design Review. Select the driver name to download the driver setup program.
- Execute the driver setup program to install the driver.