On July 13 I posted a blog article entitled:
Custom Symbols with Date and Time Information
Looking at the help file for Autodesk Design Review, I find:
To use symbols, you must first create a catalog of symbols and then stamp the sheet. You create a catalog by importing an existing DWF 6.0 file. Design Review then converts it to a symbol catalog and adds it to the Stamp and Symbols drop-down list.
In this case, "DWF 6.0" refers to the version of the DWF file format. The DWF file created by the BAT file was a DWF 5.5 file. So the process outlined in the blog posting does not work for Autodesk Design Review 2007. The current custom symbol import process relies on the XML of newer DWF files (version 6.0 or higher work as custom symbols). We have created a feature request (defect #806319) to allow older DWF files to be imported as custom symbols. It can be considered for a future release.