There's an old American joke:
Question: If pro is the opposite of con, what's the opposite of Progress?
Answer: Congress.
When a DWF file is opening, a progress bar displays in the upper left corner of the canvas indicating how far along the Autodesk DWF Viewer or Autodesk Design Review is in the process of opening the file. The Autodesk DWF Viewer and Autodesk Design Review actually have two progress bars.
- The Inner Progress Bar appears in a darker blue. It reflects the status of the loading of the geometry (display elements) for a sheet. This starts when a sheet is first viewed. Under normal circumstances, this starts with the first sheet. It depicts 100% completion after the geometry is fully loaded.
- The Outer Progress Bar appears in a lighter blue. It reflects the progress of loading the information about all of the other sheets. To get the thumbnails, page names, page order, and page dimension information for display in the navigator, the DWF viewers have to load the XML information from the other sheets. The viewers also have to load bookmarks, etc. The Outer Progress Bar depicts 100% completion after the information about all of the other sheets (not the geometry) is fully loaded.
The progress bar is especially useful when opening a large multi-sheet DWF file, as you cannot navigate to various sheets until the information about all of the other sheets is loaded.