In a continuing effort to provide high quality products, Autodesk has released a Hotfix for Autodesk Design Review 2007 and Autodesk DWF Viewer 7.0 that addresses compatibility issues with Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.
- Download (all languages)
- Download (all languages)
Published Date:
- 26 October 2006
Applies to:
- Autodesk® Design Review 2007
- Autodesk® DWF Viewer 7
Corrects Known Issues:
- When the Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 beta is installed, the main menus in Design Review 2007 and DWF Viewer 2007 do not display.
Solution: Apply the appropriate Hotfix to the DWF program(s). - When trying to view Web pages containing an embedded DWF viewer control, "Access is denied" errors display.
Solution: In Internet Explorer 7, choose Tools > Internet Options. On the Security tab, select the Local Intranet zone and set the security level to Medium-low. - When using a JavaScript UI to interact with an embedded DWF viewer control, random "Permission denied" errors display.
Solution: This issue seems to have been corrected via structural changes to code in the DWF ActiveX Controls. These structural changes have no direct impact on how the controls function.
Files Patched by These Hotfixes:
Folder: ...\Program Files\Common Files\Autodesk Shared\dwf common
- AdView.dll (new version is
Folder: ...\Program Files\Autodesk\Autodesk Design Review\EComposite
- animationbar.htm
- animationbar_exe.htm
- controlpane.htm
- controlpane_exe.htm
- dimension_popup.htm
- fillColor_popup.htm
- fontSize_popup.htm
- gridpane.htm
- index_exe.htm
- lineColor_popup.htm
- lineWeight_popup.htm
- markup_popup.htm
- menu4.js
- menubar_exe.htm
- NavigatorCtrls.js
- navpane_exe.htm
- paneTools_popup.htm
- rotateImage_popup.htm
- sectionTools_popup.htm
- shape_popup.htm
- speedTools_popup.htm
- stampTool_popup.htm
- standardViewModes_popup.htm
- textColor_popup.htm
- toolbar.htm
- toolbar_exe.htm
Folder: ...\Program Files\Autodesk\Autodesk DWF Viewer\EComposite
- animationbar.htm
- animationbar_exe.htm
- controlpane.htm
- controlpane_exe.htm
- gridpane.htm
- index_exe.htm
- menu4.js
- menubar_exe.htm
- modelTools_popup.htm
- NavigatorCtrls.js
- navpane_exe.htm
- paneTools_popup.htm
- sectionTools_popup.htm
- speedTools_popup.htm
- standardViewModes_popup.htm
- toolbar.htm
- toolbar_exe.htm
Thanks to everyone who downloaded the beta of the Hotfix from this blog and provided success and failure ports. There are rare circumstances where the Hotfix for the Autodesk DWF Viewer 7.0 cannot detect the presence of the viewer. In these cases, uninstall and re-install. You can then successfully apply the Hotfix. (I installed the released hotfix over the top of my beta hotfixed applications rather than uninstall the beta hotfixes beforehand.)
[Autodesk has since released a Service Pack that includes this hotfix as well as other corrections.]