In a continuing effort to provide high quality products, Autodesk has released a service pack for Autodesk Design Review 2007 and Autodesk DWF Viewer 7.0. This service pack includes the hotfix for Internet Explorer 7 as well as other defect corrections and improvements. The installation of the service pack depends on whether or not you have applied the fix for Internet Explorer 7.
You have: The process for updating is: The steps you perform are: Autodesk DWF Viewer 7.0 as originally released
Apply Service Pack
Autodesk Design Review 2007 as originally released
Apply Service Pack
Autodesk DWF Viewer 7.0 with IE7 Hotfix (released or beta)
Uninstall, Install, and Apply Service Pack
Autodesk Design Review 2007 with IE7 Hotfix (released or beta)
Uninstall, Install, and Apply Service Pack
Autodesk Design Review 2007 30-Day Trial
Apply IE7 Hotfix (Service Pack not available)
The Service Pack installer uses patching technology. It updates existing files by writing new values over old ones. It checks the old values and expects to find an unaltered Autodesk DWF Viewer 7.0 or Autodesk Design Review 2007 to perform its operation. That is why the Service Pack cannot be applied to situations where the Hotfix has been applied - released or beta. If you attempt to apply the service pack to a version of the Autodesk DWF Viewer 7.0 or Autodesk Design Review 2007 that is different from the originally released ones (such as the Autodesk Design Review 2007 30-Day Trial), the Service Pack installer displays the following error message:
The Service Pack installer detects these changes and consider the altered Autodesk DWF Viewer 7.0 or Autodesk Design Review 2007 as "a different version of the program."