As a follow up to my 5 Things You Don't Know About Me posting, other bloggers have been able to make nice caricatures of themselves such as what they would look like if they were South Park characters. I am an ordinary guy. I don't wear glasses except for computer work. I don't have any facial hair. So when it comes time for things like my Second Life avatar for Autodesk University, mine is pretty generic.
The picture of me for this blog is from my badge picture when was reacquired by Autodesk.
Four years later, upon returning to Autodesk after working for Océ for two years, I had my badge picture retaken:
If you look closely, you can see that I was wearing the same shirt. Yes, I had washed it many times in between. I do like to listen to music, so I did factor that into my image for the forums.
At the time, those iTunes commercials were all the rage. Recently I saw an ad for I thought I'd give that a try. Alas it was not much better.
VP of Autodesk Labs, Brian Mathews, makes fun of me because I select my clothing by grabbing the shirt that's hanging on the end of my closet rack. I take them from one end. When washed, I add them at the other end. This way I rotate my stock. Albert Einstein wore the same thing every day. He had multiple copies of the same clothing. He believed each person possessed a finite amount of thought. He didn't want to waste any on selecting clothes. I don't want to waste any either, but given my process, what a coincidence it was to have the same shirt twice for badge pictures. I guess it's all relative.