Autodesk is offering Autodesk® Design Review software free-of-charge* as a download from the Autodesk website. This change makes advanced 2D and 3D measure and markup tools available free-of-charge, accelerating the adoption of digital design reviews with our leading Autodesk design software products.
Autodesk is making this change for two reasons:
Customers, particularly in the manufacturing sector, have requested that Autodesk add measurement functionality to its free, Autodesk DWF Viewer. By providing Autodesk Design Review software free-of-charge, Autodesk is able to address this request and provide a significant advantage to its customers immediately and into the future.
Providing Autodesk Design Review free-of-charge will increase the number of customers using digital design review in their processes. This helps customers cross the hurdle of moving from 2D to 3D by offering them a complete solution for not just their 3D design processes, but also their 3D review processes critical to getting the job done.
If you have purchased Autodesk Design Review under your subscription contract, you will receive software CDs of the next version of Autodesk Design Review software when it is released. If you have any questions about your account, we recommend you speak with your Autodesk reseller or sales representative.
Shaan Hurley has a great summary of Autodesk Design Review features on his Between the Lines blog. My summary of features from the Autodesk Design Review 2007 launch is here.
* This product is subject to the terms and conditions of the end-user license agreement that accompanies download of this software.
** Audio music available to accompany this blog entry is an excerpt from "Free" by the rock 'n' roll band called Zebra.