A Mr. Richard Feder from Fort Lee, New Jersey asks:
I've got a Visual Basic application that displays DWF files using the viewer API. Is there any way to close a file from the viewer, so I can delete it. The viewer appears to always leave the last file viewed open? I have had no luck trying to get rid of the file reference - is there a way to do this? What is the DWF Viewer trying to do - make me sick?
Like a mom sending her only son off to college, the DWF viewer just won't let go. :-)
Project Freewheel developer, John Schmier provided the answer:
Setting the source to nothing, (null), or " " won't release the prior file. The viewer still keeps its lock on the file as long as it's visible. What you will need to do is load a dummy dwf file and then the other file will be released. Attached is the smallest DWF I could create. It's 26 bytes and has no information to show when loaded. Load this in your application to delete the prior DWF being viewed.
Thanks John.