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March 06, 2007


David Kingham

Is there anyway to add this in the silent install of ADR so it doesn't have to be installed after the fact?

Scott Sheppard

You can install the batchprint plug-in from the command line by typing:

Batchprint_designreview2008.exe /s /v/qn

Note that there cannot be a space between /v and /qn. A company could install Autodesk Design Review and batch print using a batch process, e.g. SMS, which would look like this:

Setupdesignreview.exe /s /v/qn
Batchprint_designreview2008.exe /s /v/qn

Cristina Scotti

I'm trying to download the Batch Print Plug-In, but right after I click on Run I get this message:
"Step Launcher encountered a problem and needs to close". Has this happened to anyone? It seems to be a problem with Windows, but I'd like to hear form any users having this problem before a contact Windoes. Thank you.

Volker Joseph

Not seen or heard of this error before.

Can you send me a screenshot please?

Cristina Scotti

Hi Joseph,

Thank you for looking into my question. I found a way around. When I started the downloading, instead of clicking on "run", (which is when I would get the error message) I saved the exe file. Then I selected the .exe file and it ran to completion. Hope this might help someone else.
Thanks again,

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