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March 05, 2007



What are the new capabilities in AutoCAD 2008, if we are using Windows Vista operarting system for old versions of AutoCAD is any problems


Scott Sheppard

Shaan Hurley has a blog posting on AutoCAD 2008 on Vista: http://autodesk.blogs.com/between_the_lines/2007/03/autocad_2008_wi.html This Between the Lines article shows the advantages.

In terms of older AutoCADs, people have been able to access local files by setting the "run as administrator" capability. Accessing files on a shared network drive has encountered some problems. After all of the AutoCAD 2008 activity winds down, Autodesk will be releasing a patch for AutoCAD 2007 to make it compatible with the versions of Vista that AutOCAD 2008 supports.

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