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March 29, 2007


Mike Gemmell

It's great to see why Autodesk moved away from RML but what about plan review teams that need to combine markups into the same DWF sheet? What about teams that would like to export markup comments into a seperate report? This is the way AEC teams work and right now they are limited with what can be done. If you have a way to consolidate markups to one DWF file or export comments out to a seperate report please share. Thanks!

Scott Sheppard

You can use Autodesk Design Review to combine separately marked up sheets into one DWF file. You can easily do this with drag and drop. This is not exactly what you want, since the markups still appear on different sheets, and the original DWF data is duplicated; however, if you load one of these combined DWF files into AutoCAD using the Markup Set Manager, it will combine the various markups and show them against the one copy of the original DWG data. For now, that's as good as it gets. I will pass your suggestion on to the Product Managers.


Hi there. Is there anyway to export a list of the comments or markups generated from Autodesk Design Review to some kind of xml file for insertion into a database?

Volker Joseph

Thank you for your feedback.

This functionality does not exist at this point and we are tracking this for future release using a Feature Request.


Is there any way to view .rml files? We now use AutoDesk and the old .rml files won't open anymore.

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