On his It's Alive in the Lab blog, Scott Sheppard notes that the Project Freewheel collaboration capability lets you collaborate in real time, but it does not have to be that way. A sharing session persists on the web much like a web site or wiki. Scott loaded the Manufacturing Sheet Set that ships with AutoCAD into AutoCAD 2008. He updated various sheets to include terms and images related to Autodesk Labs. He published a DWF file and uploaded it to Project Freewheel. Days ago he started a collaboration session. Can you join his collaboration session and find them?
You register or login to Autodesk Labs. That way the session will know who you are. You use the Page selector on the left to select various pages of the DWF file. You will also need to pan and zoom around. When you find an item, you can use the Callout tool to markup the item you have found. You will get credit as the person who found the item, since the session knows you by your Autodesk Labs login. Scott wants to see how long it takes us to find them all. Your markups should automatically be in a different color.
With the ability to electronically collaborate from anywhere at any time, DWF goes beyond the paper.