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May 20, 2008


Chad Randall

Still no programmable markup ability makes me sad... and forces us to continue to use WHIP!

Craig Nicholas

Is the ADR 2010 (Gator) version available?

Mark Leach

I am using VB.Net 2003 and want to add the capability to view autocad drawings. I don't see AdCommon 1.0 Type Library listed in the com components. Any idea why it doesn't show up. Is this not compatible?

Volker Joseph

AdCommon is a COM module that ships with Autodesk Design Review. It is a shared interface library used by nearly all of our internal components, and serves objects for the API as well. It has many public objects that should be visible and available to VB.NET 2003.

Account Deleted


ADR 2010 API CHM found in Autodesk site. In 2010 Api include the markup control (ECompositeViewer.IADMarkup, IADMarkupEditor, 2,3). But it don't have any documentation and pdf file in Autodesk. Anyone know how can i use Markup control.

Thanks in advance
Dharanidharan R

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