You’ve been able to embed code in web pages to enable DWF file viewing using Microsoft Internet Explorer for a long time. (How do I embed a DWF file in an HTML page?)
Now by popular demand, the Autodesk team has created the Firefox Add-on for Autodesk® Design Review that enables DWF file viewing in Mozilla Firefox™ 3 for Windows.
To take advantage of this new functionality,
- Install Firefox or one of the other non-IE browsers mentioned above. The add-on requires one of the aforementioned browsers or it won’t install.
- Download and install the add-on.
- The web pages containing the DWF files to be viewed must contain the proper embedding code that recognizes the add-on.
- Take the add-on for a test drive.
Assuming you already have a non-Internet Explorer browser installed, let’s start with the installing the add-on.
To install the Firefox Add-on for Autodesk® Design Review
- Download the from the Autodesk Labs site here.
- Close all open browser windows.
- Double-click ADRFFInstaller.msi and follow the prompts to install to the add-on.
You can remove the add-on at any time by uninstalling ”ADRFF” from Windows list of programs in the Control Panel.
Next prepare the web pages for embedding DWF files.
Important: File names in URLs are case-sensitive.
To embed a DWF or DWFx file in an HTML page to be viewed in Firefox
- Create or obtain the DWF file that you want to embed.
- Copy the DWF file to desired location.
- Create an HTML file.
- Copy the following code and paste it into your HTML file between the <BODY> </BODY> tags.
<OBJECT ID="ADR" TYPE="application/x-Autodesk-DWF" WIDTH="600" HEIGHT="450">
<PARAM NAME="dwffilename" VALUE="http://[]]"/>
How It Works
- The width, and height parameters determine the appearance of the DWF file on the web page. If you change the width, and height values, use static values instead of percentages; percentages may distort the content if printed.
- [[ServerPath]] is the complete path or URL of the DWF file to be embedded.
Here’s a sample that targets a DWF file stored on a web server:
<OBJECT ID="ADR" TYPE="application/x-Autodesk-DWF" WIDTH="600" HEIGHT="450">
<PARAM NAME="dwffilename" VALUE=""/>
Here’s a sample that targets a DWF file stored on a local shared hard drive:
<OBJECT ID="ADR" TYPE="application/x-Autodesk-DWF" WIDTH="600" HEIGHT="450">
<PARAM NAME="dwffilename" VALUE="c:\dwfs\myfile.dwf"/>
Important: Because this code only works for non-Internet Explorer browsers, you may want to include some kind of JavaScript browser detect code to ensure the visitor’s browser serves up the appropriate HTML.
Finally, test your work by opening the HTML file in Firefox or another browser to ensure the DWF file can be viewed by visitors to your web page. Visitors will need to have the add-on as well as a Design Review installed to view the DWF files.
Thank you to the entire Simulation team for making this available to our customers.
I do have more than 200 html pages with embeded dwf files. Is it a way to make the "tag" into a javascript, that I do not have to have the whole tag in every single page?
Thanks for your help.
Posted by: Jay F. | July 18, 2009 at 12:23 PM
I am looking for a complete list of html params that are supported with the new viewer. I found old documentation for Express Viewer
... but can't find a similar page for the newer viewers. Are all of those (Express) parameters still supported. The pages my client had set up previously don't work anymore -- parameter values seem to be ignored.
Posted by: Anita Austin | July 27, 2009 at 11:18 AM
I have two questions integrating Autodesk Design Review 2010 into firefox or safari:
1) How can i register the OnEndLoadItem event in Firefox.? oViewer.addEventListener("endloaditem", $.fn.f__OnEndLoadItem, false); /* does not work */
2) The statement: oViewer.SourcePath = drawing;
does not work in Firefox, I have always to put the whole Firefox Html object string into the dom. $(oViewer).replaceWith($.fn.f__format($.fn.e__defs.DesignReviewFFObject, $(oViewer).width().toString(), $(oViewer).height().toString(), drawing));
Posted by: Markus Fritschi | September 06, 2009 at 04:35 AM
DWF files are not a replacement for native CAD formats such as AutoCAD drawings (DWG). The sole purpose of DWF is to allow designers, engineers, project managers, and their colleagues to communicate design information and design content to anyone needing to view, review, or print design information – without these team members needing to know AutoCAD or other design software.
Posted by: buy generic viagra | March 18, 2010 at 02:15 PM
Excuse me ,I want to show the 3d dwf file on a web page and when I click the object I can get the unique id of object.I know that the object has an id property,but I find it changed when save the file again. Is there any solution for this problem?
Posted by: wang lei | August 04, 2011 at 09:28 PM