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March 26, 2009



Why not a simple link;

"Download Autodesk Design Review"
"Download DWG TrueView"

No need for explanations?

Volker Joseph

Good point, Robin.

Yet, not as easy to implement as one would think. I will send your comments to product management and see what can be done.

Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback.

Mark LaBell

Regarding DWF Writer 4
Is there going to be a new version? Only reason I ask is it supports 3D DWF from Microstation V8 2004, but not XM. It would be nice to see an upgrade since they are now on version V8i.

Volker Joseph

Thank you for your feedback.

I have sent your comments on to our product management team. There won't be any new release right away but we are looking at future options. This is mainly due to all the great feedback users have provided.

Please feel free to contact me directly should you have any additional questions around this or any other related subject.

Thank you, again.


Hello Volker,
i am confused to find the right download link for our language version - german.
When selecting german language on "DWG TrueView Download" site I always get the english version.

Do the official german version exist?

Greets, Peter

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