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May 07, 2009



Is this product available in the UK?
If so, is it compatible with vanilla AutoCAD/LT 2D drawings, or does it require the Architectural versions of AutoCAD & Revit to get the most out of the package?
Finally, does it link to billing software such as RIPAC (which our QS's use).
Thanks in advance for your help.

Volker Joseph

My recommendation would be to contact Autodesk's U.K. office for additional information. See http://www.autodesk.co.uk/adsk/servlet/index?siteID=452932&id=1092162 for details.

Thank you.

Todd Sickels

Do you know of a link for a free 30 day trial?

Volker Joseph

Please contact us through the following link for details:


Thank you.


Are prices (for example walls/windows/doors) included with the software or would we have to manually input them?

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