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July 14, 2009


Wilmer Quispe

How are you

during an installation of autocad me this error happens, the program is uninstalled and delete all files in installation. So that you can not apply this solution, which is due to this error


Worked, Thanks!

David Hill

during the installation of autocad 2010 this error happens, the program is uninstalled and deletes all files in installation so that you can not apply your workaround.

Error: "adlmPITSetProductInformation failed"

Can you please advise



Error: "adlmPITSetProductInformation failed" IN WIN 7


hi plz help me with this error...

I have no prev... installation of any autodesk porducts...

i have freashly installed windows 7, and after installation when i install AutoCAD Architecture Desktop 2010 i get the same error.... there is no file called "ProductInformation.pit" on my computer before installation though i am getting this error "1: 5 2: adlmPITSetProductInformation failed. 3: 24" hope you could help me with this.. Thank you in Adv...

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