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July 12, 2009



I had indeed this problem, but I had not the mentioned key.
So I looked for other keys and I found
"ProductName"="Autodesk Navisworks Manage 2010 (32 bit)"
"ProductName"="Autodesk Navisworks Manage 2010 (32 bit) English Language Pack"
By deleting this 2 keys (before exported them) the installation check was enabeled.


I can not thank you enough for posting this information. I accidental removed the directory for the Navisworks exporter plugin and could not get the re-installer to work. It continued to show the 64 bit install as "already installed"! I tried uninstalling Revit and Navisworks, reinstalling, registry cleaners only to finally find your post. I looked through the registry and found the entry linked to the Navisworks 64 bit exporter and deleted it and then tried to reinstall. Sure enough the 64 bit install was now showing it as an available choice. Now I can export from with the addon from Revit Architecture 2011 and MEP 2011 right into Navisworks. THANKS AGAIN!!!

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