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July 16, 2009


Brian Benton

I have purchased three Netbooks within the last year. One for each of my kids so they can do homework, email, Video Chat with Grandma, and internet. My wife has one for homework and portability. I have not tried CAD on them and I don't want to. The screen is too small. I took one with me on a trip and it does the above mentioned functions well, just small. they are here to stay.

Michael Hanson

I recently purchased a nice netbook for my wife and it is a great little machine. I would not use it for CAD just too small and I'm sure it would bog down. Great for staying in touch with Grandma though!

Andra M.

The only advantage I could see loading a CAD program on a netbook is for job on-site use. Then again, it would be for informational purposes or taking notes for any changes.

Taking along an Adobe PDF or DWF would suffice in that case. I'm with the previous comments: Why would anyone want to draft with a 9-10inch screen -- even if the netbook had the processing power?

As to the rest, if you want a good little internet/email machine, it's perfect. It also works well for writing, because I can truly write anywhere with it.

Sean Doughtie

I use AutoCAD LT on my Acer Aspire One w/ Windows XP. I added some extra RAM I had on hand to it, now has 1.5 GB. Note that the Aspire One has a two core processor.

I know most people cannot deal with CAD on a laptop. I was there about five years ago. I began to force myself to adapt to using CAD on a laptop. Doing so has enabled me to work from anywhere; on a bus, train, car, plane, airport seating, library, Starbucks, church (don't tell Pastor), etc. People think I am crazy, but you can't beat getting paid travel hours at the same time you are billable on another project.

The CAD on a netbook is not much different than a laptop. There is plenty of room to work from any seat on a plane. My netbook with a solid-state drive has outstanding battery life.

In reference to using a laptop on-site: I have NEVER used a computer for on-site work other than for basic information. I can survey much faster with a pencil and clipboard. I don't believe doing the fieldwork on a netbook (laptop) will ever be feasible.

The best part is, after using the netbook continuously for a few days my 13" Macbook feels HUGE! (yes AutoCAD/Revit on a Mac)


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