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September 17, 2009


Mike Burke


I installed Navisworks Review 2010 and it's service pack yesterday. I now get this displaying when I open drawings in AutoCAD 2008 and AutoCAD 2010...

Error loading AcSign services

Never since this befire yesterday. Is it the Service Pack?

BTW the othe AutoCAD 2008 bugs are fixed now.

Jure Špiler


missing "Manufacturing" version in SP1.
When it will be available?
Need SP1 Hyperlink functionality.

Also the "Display" quality is bad (rough jagged edges). Compared to "DWF Design Review" or Inventor it is much worse.

Jure Spiler

Volker Joseph


Please log a support request for the issue.

Product support have advised me that they would have to look into this for you.

Thank you.

Volker Joseph


The requested version will become available soon.

Thank you.


thanks admin
Are you really cool

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