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April 29, 2010



This is helpful and easy enough to do, but I have two complaints:

It would be nice to be able to move the area and polyline label after measuring. I tried grabbing the label but it moves the whole area.

Also, when I hover over a measured area, it becomes an opaque dark blue-purple. This is annoying, especially when measuring a large area relative to the screen size.


Ok, the second problem can be fixed by going to Options, Sheet, and unchecking "Enable Dynamic Highlighting"


I had DesignReview 2009 on my computer.
I have uninstalled this software then tried to install DesignReview 2011 but the installation failed.
I have tried again (2011 and 2009) but now the installers says "unable to uninstall the previous version of DesignReview".
Could you please help me to make a clean uninstallation so I could try again to install this software ?


Not exactly the topic but does anybody know if Design Review 2011 works OK on Windows 64-bit? I read there were problem with Design Review 2010.


Just to clarify. Does anybody know if Design Review 2011 works OK on Windows 7 64-bit? I read there were problem with Design Review 2010.

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