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April 12, 2010


Brad Norman

When I try to open an NWC file in Navisworks 2010, I sometimes get an error that says the file has an "unknown version number" and then doesn't open. Do you know what causes this?

rune nordbo

I also get the error that says unknown version number. please help me. my max file has dynamite objects, is this a problem? is it possible to also export the animations from MAX to NW?


Unfortunately it's almost September and the 32bit export for ArchiCAD13 does not work (by Autodesk's own admission) and no 64 bit in sight. Now they are talking Nov/Dec. Should take the ArchiCAD version out as it's misleading advertising.
Not happy :(

Richard Parker

Hi Sydsal, can you provide us with a bit more information here; what are the problems that you are experiencing?
Please feel free to contact me directly - [email protected]


Richard Parker

Hi Brad / Rune

Are you trying to open a Navisworks file that has been generated in a new version of the product (i.e. trying to open a file save in NW 2011 in the 201 product)? If so you will see the unknown version number message.

If this is not the workflow that is causing the problem please contact Autodesk Support with a full description of the problem and ideally some sample files and we will be able to look into the problem.

Rune - I am afraid that we cannot export animations from Max to NW.

Many thanks

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