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August 23, 2010


Ketul Patel

Hi using ADR APIs is it possible to extract Mark-ups from one file and Add it to another, I am trying to build something that will allow to see a consolidated view of mark-ups from different users, I can see Markup amd MarkupEditor objects in the API but could not find any documentation on how to use them?

Leland Leahy

They used to have a way to restore a Named view. Does anyone know if that still exists?

granit tezgah

mark-ups from different users, I can see Markup amd MarkupEditor objects in the API but could not find any documentation on how to use them?

Danny DeMichele Entrepreneur

I am trying to build something that will allow to see a consolidated view of mark-ups from different users.

Challenger parts

Its nice they provide some other feedback to the user based on the presence of animation.Thanks

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