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March 22, 2011


Trevor Gallyot

Yes indeed, STILL the BEST way to view, mark up, print and track changes. There some great new features and refinements with this release. I look forward to using and promoting this to our Projects Teams & Clients!

Pepe Fenjul Jr.

Its really great. Automatic file recovery after a computer crash. Custom print scaling. Modify 2D measurement scaling. And quicker access to Design Review related resources.


The measuring tools in this program are terrible. I hate when a customer sends me an Inventor model in dwf format and expect me to pull values from it because it's 200x more difficult than in Inventor.

Chris Blocher

Hi Chris. Can you tell us the measurement issues you're having? We appreciate the feedback!

 executive desk

I am very much excites to know the enhanced features and tools for DWF Viewer and Volo View users are improved.

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