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April 21, 2011


Shipping a Vehicle

Not all data that are supplied by the user are intended for insertion into a database. They may be rendered directly to the screen, stored in a session, or previewed before saving. This can result in backslashes being added where they are not wanted and being shown to the end user.

Chris Blocher

We understand your concern. That's why all Autodesk Design Review WikiHelp submissions must be approved by Autodesk before it is made public, ensuring that the content is both accurate and appropriate.

Video Marketing Video

This is off topic but, I noticed an older post regarding an Autodesk University event from 2009. Is that an annual event and, if so, where and when is it taking place this year? Just curious and I couldn't find any info regarding that elsewhere on your site. Thanks.

Chris Blocher

Autodesk University (AU) is an annual event. You can learn more about it on the AU home page: http://au.autodesk.com/ (Be sure to check out the Podcasts & Videos tab.) You can also visit Autodesk University on Facebook!

jewelry appraisers

Great content.....I was in search of this topic I couldn't find any info regarding that elsewhere on your site. Thanks for sharing....!!!!

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