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September 01, 2011


David Yankowski

Your Autodesk design review uninstal tool is really not an option when you have and enterprise environment. Currently we use XP-SP3 with all security updates. We use Microsoft SCCM to deploy and remove software and repackaging every time there is an issue is not possible. Will the Design Review package be fixed so that it will install or uninstall with when the latest security patch for VisualC++2005 Redistributable is installed? http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2538242

Chris Blocher

Hi David, the ADR 2012 hotfix resolves this issue. You can download and use the new MSI from here http://www.autodesk.com/designreview-updates

Paul Wolf

Hi there,

is there a way to run the uninstall tool silent? Tried with the known switches /s /q /silent and /quiet but didnt work. it is always asking for an input "press any key to proceed".

This is needed by a large customer to implement that tool in an image.

Any chance to have that added?

Chris Blocher

At present this little tool does not support silently running. We created a wishlist item for this request.


Great information,thanks for sharing!

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