The It's Alive in the Lab blog mentioned that there's a new version of Autodesk Design Review available:
DWF continues to go beyond the paper.
The It's Alive in the Lab blog mentioned that there's a new version of Autodesk Design Review available:
DWF continues to go beyond the paper.
Posted at 06:34 PM in Autodesk Design Review | Permalink
Tags: #AutodeskDesignReview
You asked. We listened! The wait is over for our Android customers. The free Autodesk Design Review mobile app is now available on the Android Market!
Similar to its IOs cousin, the Android version of the Design Review mobile app lets you work with your 2D and 3D design files on your Android phone or tablet.
We're very interested in hearing about your feedback about the app and cloud experience! Please send us your comments using
Design Review Mobile, Autodesk Cloud, and now Android...just a few more examples of helping you go beyond the paper.
Posted at 10:24 AM in Autodesk Design Review, DWF, DWF Markup & Measurement, DWF Viewing | Permalink | Comments (13) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Android, Autodesk Design Review, phone, tablet
We recently launched our public Beta for Autodesk Design Review 2013 and highly recommend our customers join us in the Autodesk Design Review 2013 Beta program. We have been able to include some of the feature requests submitted including measuring 2D angles, dynamic stamps, restoring to the original scale, and more.
We are certain that you will be pleased by the enhancements we've added. Apply here for the Autodesk Design Review 2013 Beta.
Existing Feedback Community users can enter their usernames and passwords to apply. (If you have forgotten your password, you can click on the Forgot Password link under Login menu and an email will be sent to you with your password or send an email request to [email protected].) New users should click "Join Feedback Community Now" and submit requests. An email will be sent the address provided for you to verify and complete the sign-up process.
We look forward to hearing your feedback about this Beta!
Posted at 03:28 PM in Autodesk Design Review, Weblogs | Permalink | Comments (6) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: 2013, ADR, Beta, Po
Design Review Mobile is now available on the iTunes app store! Be one of the first to download your copy today and begin viewing your Autodesk files from anywhere at any time. This free app lets you view and markup 2D and 3D design files directly on your iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch.
This is just a part of the broader Autodesk Cloud launch that was just announced today. The official press release has details on all the new services!
Send us your feedback on either Design Review Mobile or the Autodesk Cloud, using We look forward to hearing from you!
Design Review Mobile and the Autodesk Cloud, just a few more examples of helping you go beyond the paper.
Posted at 10:41 PM in Autodesk Design Review, DWF, DWF Markup & Measurement, DWF Viewing | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Autodesk Design Review, iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch
In the last post we mentioned that Autodesk Design Review customers were reporting issues on the discussion group regarding uninstalling and installing the latest three versions of the software because of Microsoft Visual C++. In that post we provided some workarounds until we had a hotfix ready.
We're happy to report that the Hotfix - Autodesk Design Review 2012 is ready for downloading from the product's Services & Support website.
This hotfix solves the critical uninstall and install issues in Autodesk Design Review 2012.
The current Autodesk Design Review 2012 downloads already includes this hotfix.
Posted at 04:14 PM in Autodesk Design Review, Beyond the Paper, DWF Installation/Configuration | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Autodesk Design Review, install, uninstall
Autodesk Design Review customers are having trouble uninstalling and installing the latest three versions of our software because of Microsoft Visual C++.
Some Autodesk Design Review uninstall issues are related to a recent Microsoft Windows fix (KB2538424 “Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Service Pack 1 Redistributable Package MFC Security Update”). After applying that fix, customers report seeing these error messages when trying to remove Autodesk Design Review 2010, 2011, or 2012.
Additionally, customers are reporting that the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Service Pack 1 Redistributable is also triggering error messages when trying to uninstall Autodesk Design Review 2012.
If you’re having difficulty uninstalling Autodesk Design Review 2010, 2011, or 2012 due to these Microsoft Visual C++ errors, the Design Review Software Development Team has developed an Autodesk Design Review Uninstall Tool that you can use. Download the Autodesk Design Review Uninstall Tool from this blog. When you run it, the tool will attempt to uninstall Autodesk Design Review 2010, 2011, and 2012 for you.
In cases where the Autodesk Design Review Uninstall Tool cannot uninstall the product, follow these manual steps.
When uninstalling Autodesk Design Review 2010, 2011, or 2012, and the error message shows “Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 redistributable is required…”:
When uninstalling Autodesk Design Review 2012, and the error message shows “Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 distributable is required…”:
In some cases, Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 distributable is also preventing customers from installing Autodesk Design Review 2012.
For more detailed information about installing and uninstalling Autodesk Design Review, please visit the Autodesk Design Review discussion group.
Posted at 05:15 PM in Autodesk Design Review, Beyond the Paper, DWF Installation/Configuration | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Autodesk Design Review, install, uninstall
When we have questions about "how to" use Autodesk Design Review’s tools, we may search the Help file for answers and find what we're looking for there. However, when we have job-specific questions, requiring us to know "when to" or "why to" use certain product tools as part of a larger process, we often need to turn to people who have real-world experience and insight.
We may ask our questions using email or instant messages, use Web searches, or post to discussion groups--all the while hoping to get our answers...answers we can trust. When we find our answers, or when we develop our own solutions, we’re excited to share them! But where? We may post videos and presentations to a variety of websites, but are we sure we’ll find a receptive and responsive audience?
Rather than spending time searching and posting to all of these different online channels, the new Autodesk Design Review WikiHelp can provide the best of both worlds. As you might expect, right now as we roll it out, our WikiHelp lets you browse Autodesk Design Review's Help information. But with your participation, WikiHelp can become much more than just the typical Help file presented online.
Autodesk Design Review WikiHelp is a way for you to add your own knowledge; it's all about providing you with the venue to share your design reviewing experiences with each other. In short, Design Review's WikiHelp can be used to combine "how to" with "know how" to create a single, vetted resource for Design Review users.
You can review the Autodesk Design Review WikiHelp right away without even registering or signing in. The Wiki Guidelines and the Frequently Asked Questions will help get you started.
Whenever you're ready to participate, just sign in to the WikiHelp site using your free Autodesk User ID. If you don't have an ID, go to the Autodesk Log In page and click Create User ID Now. To start, you can comment on, rate, and share WikiHelp pages. If you're ready to dive right in, you can begin editing content, posting tips, tricks, and tutorials, uploading videos, or whatever you think is useful to other Design Review users.
All new or modified content is saved as a draft to be reviewed by Autodesk moderators. This is to ensure that all contributions meet the posted Wiki Guidelines. Once approved, your contributions become public, and the interaction begins! Over time, the entire community will begin to make contributions, validate changes, and apply meaningful tags to make the content even more useful and discoverable.
As you begin using the Autodesk Design Review WikiHelp site, we'd love to hear what you think about it. What's your favorite aspect of it? What can we do to improve it? Either post comments to this blog article or post your comments directly to the WikiHelp site itself.
With WikiHelp, the Autodesk Design Review team begins moving away from its previous information monologue, toward a more collaborative content conversation. We look forward to participating in this conversation with you.
Posted at 10:00 AM in Autodesk Design Review, Off Topic, WikiHelp | Permalink | Comments (7) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Autodesk Design Review, Content, Contribute, Help, Videos, Wiki, WikiHelp
With the new version of Design Review released last week, several customers have asked whether or not the existing ShareNow add-in will continue to work with Project Freewheel--the Autodesk service that enables your team to collaborate on designs using just about any operating system or device that has Internet access.
The short answer is, yes! For more information, about how to start using the ShareNow add-in with Autodesk Design Review 2012, check out the video below.
Be sure to visit the Autodesk Labs Project Freewheel website to learn more about this terrific service.
Project Freewheel...just one more way Autodesk takes the design review process beyond the paper.
Posted at 03:00 PM in Autodesk Design Review, Beyond the Paper, DWF, DWF Viewing | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: 2012, ADR, Custom, Share, Use, Video
Autodesk Design Review 2012 is now available for download from our website!
Still the best way to view, mark up, print, and track changes to Autodesk 2D and 3D design files, we're especially proud of Design Review 2012 because of the customer requests we were able to address in this release:
Here's a video showing these features and more.
Download your free version Autodesk Design Review 2012 and let us know what you think!
Posted at 05:09 PM in Autodesk Design Review, DWF | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: 2012, ADR, Custom, Share, Symbols, Use, Video
Vice President of Autodesk Product Support, Roberto Sigona, speaks about available options for self-help technical support; including Autodesk knowledgebase, blogs and community forums.
Posted at 09:18 AM in Autodesk Design Review, Beyond the Paper, DWF, Navisworks , Off Topic, Weblogs | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: AutoCAD, Autodesk, KB, Knowledgebase, Naviswork, Product, Product, Support, Video