Well, I suppose we all are...to some extend at least.
My guess would be that we all become more aware of what is going on with the increased frequency of ads and campaigns.
Many of us are still in the habit of printing out our emails, just in case we want to reference it later. Do we really need to?
You too could make a difference and provide your contribution by adding a small item to the bottom of your emails. How about it?
I am certain that you might have seen this subtle reminder on the email signature of one of your contacts. It's a tree with a winding road, and a message: "Please consider the environment before printing this email." I believe this ever so subtle guilt-trip has saved at least several reams of paper so far.
If your email program can handle rich text or html, then you can have the complete signature. The picture of the tree that is being used in this case is actually the letter P using the Webdings font. Then, simply write the message and make the whole thing green. Now you are all set!
Even better, you can also simply copy and paste the enclosed into your signature.
P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail

I have done the same and have already noticed some others who added the same string to their emails.
"Just one more way you can help go Beyond the Paper!"